American Week Retail Promotion in Bulgaria

American Week Retail Promotion in Bulgaria

September 28, 2017 - October 04, 2017 – All day

FAS Sofia organized a successful retail promotion for U.S. food and beverage products in 18 Fantastico supermarkets from September 28-October 4, 2017. 22 American products (by SKU) were promoted to more than 1 million Bulgarian shoppers and to over 500,000 consumers through various media and advertising channels. Promoters were hired to present the products to the customers in 12 stores. During the first three days, promoters reported directly contact with over 2,000 customers, which resulted in over 1,000 spot sales. After the promotion, Fantastico reported to FAS Sofia that U.S. product sales increased by as much as 3,660 percent over the corresponding period in 2016. The activity marked a great opportunity to increase the awareness of the Bulgarian consumers about the quality and diversity of the U.S. products.