Romanian Buyers at Seafood Global Expo

Romanian Buyers at Seafood Global Expo

April 25, 2017 - April 27, 2017 – All day

Brussels Expo
Place de Belgique 1, 1020 Bruxelles

FAS Bucharest Marketing Specialist accompanied a delegation of 18 Romanian buyers to the Seafood Expo Global Trade Show held in Brussels, April 25-27, 2017. Romanian buyers were interested in Salmon, Alaska Pollock, Mackerel, Black cod, and fish roe.

Prior to the show, FAS Bucharest extensively promoted the U.S. Pavilion among Romanian seafood importers, processors and retailers. At the show, FAS Bucharest facilitated meetings between Romanian import/distribution companies and U.S. exhibitors seeking to enter to the Romanian market or consolidating the existing U.S. business relationships with Romania.

Post provided U.S. exhibitors with a Fish and Seafood market brief to help them get more knowledge about the Romanian market and its rising export opportunities. In addition, FAS Bucharest provided a list of Romanian importers with full contact details. U.S. exporters who had not exported directly to Romania previously were very interested in learning about the market and export opportunities.

If you want more information please contact

For impressions please see pictures below:

USDA Exhibition booth at Brussels Seafood show.

Reception at Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute Exhibition booth.