Bulgarian Buyers at Seafood Global Expo

Bulgarian Buyers at Seafood Global Expo

April 25, 2017 - April 27, 2017 – All day

Brussels Expo
Place de Belgique 1, 1020 Bruxelles

FAS Sofia led a group of eight Bulgarian buyers to the U.S. Exposition organized during Seafood Global Expo trade show held in Brussels, Belgium, April 25-27, 2017. FAS Marketing Specialist assisted the buyers in visiting the U.S. pavilion as well as facilitated meetings with U.S. exhibitors and provided translation. Bulgarian buyers showed highest interest towards frozen hake, mackerel, Pollock, squid as well as pink and chum salmon.

If you want more information please contact agsofia@fas.usda.gov.

For impressions please see pictures below:


FAS Sofia’s Marketing Specialist at the USDA booth and in a meeting with Bulgarian buyers.