Discover the Taste of America - Retail Promotion in Bulgaria

Discover the Taste of America – Retail Promotion in Bulgaria

September 13, 2018 - September 19, 2018 – All day

FAS Sofia organized the “Discover the Taste of America” retail promotion for U.S. food and beverage products in 120 Billa supermarkets in 37 cities throughout Bulgaria in September 2018. During the event, 13 American products (by SKU) were promoted to more than 1.3 million Bulgarian shoppers in the stores and to over 900,000 consumers through various media and advertising channels.  After the promotion, Billa reported to FAS Sofia that sales of the promoted products increased by up to 574 percent in value and 534 percent in volume over the corresponding period in 2017.  One new product was introduced to the supermarket chain and negotiations for several additional new products are underway as a side result of the activity.

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