FAS Sofia Promotes U.S. Agricultural Products at the Biggest Culinary Festival in Bulgaria

FAS Sofia Promotes U.S. Agricultural Products at the Biggest Culinary Festival in Bulgaria

May 12, 2016 - May 18, 2016 – All day

From May 12-28 the Foreign Agricultural Service office in Bulgaria (FAS/Sofia) participated in the first of a kind for Bulgaria traveling culinary festival “Bulgaria Meets the Flavors of the World”. The roadshow took place in seven of the biggest cities in the country. FAS/Sofia, with the strong support of local importers, successfully promoted big variety of U.S. agricultural products available on the Bulgarian market and used the opportunity to educate industry representatives and end consumers about the high quality and diversity of U.S. food and beverages. According to statistics provided by the organizers, the campaign was broadly covered by more than 120 specialized, mainstream, and online media. More than 100,000 people visited the event (over 95% of them visited the U.S. stall). The campaign reached more than 4.07 million Facebook users and the web site of the campaign was visited more than 2.6 million times during the event from March 1st to May 30th. (Remark: The population of Bulgaria is 7.2 million). So far there has not been another opportunity for FAS/Sofia to reach such a large audience of current and potential consumers. Please see link for public report here.