U.S. Identity Preserved Seminar - Free Participation

U.S. Identity Preserved Seminar – Free Participation

September 15, 2020 – 15:00 - 18:00

SSGA (Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance) is pleased to announce the launch of its marketing/promotion effort in Europe with a virtual seminar on September 15, 2020.  The pandemic has delayed and reconfigured our effort but we are ready to roll.  The seminar will have three presentations on the Identity Preserved (IP) system and IP crops in the United States with a focus on traceability.

Join the U.S. Identity-Preserved Soya and Specialty Grains Virtual Seminar dedicated to introducing European companies to the unique U.S. produced Identity-Preserved (IP) process and the soya and specialty grains that have the traits that customers are looking for, including back to the farm traceability, protein and quality characteristics, and deforestation-free production.

This event is free to participate, and SSGA member companies are welcome to join us as exhibitors.

For more information on the program and to register, please check out this link:
